Pecha Kucha

Image via Wikipedia Pecha Kucha: Get to the PowerPoint in 20 Slides Then Sit the Hell DownLike all of you I have sat through my share of interminable PowerPoint presentations wishing, in the words of the late, great Douglas Adams, that the present…


Image via Wikipedia

Pecha Kucha: Get to the PowerPoint in 20 Slides Then Sit the Hell Down

Like all of you I have sat through my share of interminable PowerPoint presentations wishing, in the words of the late, great Douglas Adams, that the presenter‘s “own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save life and civilization” would leap “straight up through his neck and throttle his brain”.

That has never happened.

Instead, perhaps we could make sure that presentations follow the rules of Pecha Kucha. These are:

  • You have exactly twenty slides
  • Each slide is displayed for exactly twenty seconds
  • One they’re done you sit down

Be honest, wouldn’t you just love presenters to have done enough ground work to follow those rules instead of rattling on about nothing, nothing, at all? I think I’ll try it for my next presentation.

The revolution starts here…

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Victory for Open Source

Image via Wikipedia US Court rules in favor of “open source” copyright – Download SquadBeing a bit of an old hippy I’m keen on open source. The problem is that, in America, nothing is accepted until they’ve had a load of over-paid lawyers argue ab…


Image via Wikipedia

US Court rules in favor of “open source” copyright – Download Squad

Being a bit of an old hippy I’m keen on open source. The problem is that, in America, nothing is accepted until they’ve had a load of over-paid lawyers argue about it in court.

Fortunately that has now happened and open source copyright has now passed the Perry Mason test making it as legal as things get in the US.

This might smack of angels on pins but it is really important: it means that those who spend a lot of time and effort on production can expect their rights to be protected – even if the only right they want is to be recognised.

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OneNote for Education

Image via Wikipedia Microsoft Education Product Center: Microsoft Office OneNote 2007I’ve never really got in to OneNote, Microsoft’s free format note taking software. It looks fun but I’ve just not had time to really put it through its paces.The …

Image via Wikipedia

Microsoft Education Product Center: Microsoft Office OneNote 2007

I’ve never really got in to OneNote, Microsoft’s free format note taking software. It looks fun but I’ve just not had time to really put it through its paces.

The new site from Microsoft might change that with its Teacher Toolkit containing templates and articles.

Try it and let me know how it goes in the comments. You might even convert me.


HND Computer Games Development

Image via Wikipedia SQA Computing blog: HND Computer Games Development

Just back and straight in to the swing of things. Tuesday involved a trip to Edinburgh to talk about the proposed HND in Computer Games to supplement the HNC. The day went well and things look positive for the development.

I must be getting old as, instead of pushing for the latest up to date gadgetry to be involved in the new award, my input seemed focussed more on what’s good for the learner and for the centres.

Bottom line I think we need to ensure that we have as much cross award compatibility as possible enabling the students to switch to another award such as Software Development or Technical Support, and to allow the centres to in-fill classes to make them viable.

We’ll see what happens over the next eighteen months or so.
