JISC Get On Board Open Learning Bandwagon

Good to see that JISC have thrown their weight into getting open source learning into the virtual marketplace.With any luck this will be the push required to make it “acceptable” to institutions to share their work.Experimental Blog: JISC09 Last P…

Good to see that JISC have thrown their weight into getting open source learning into the virtual marketplace.

With any luck this will be the push required to make it “acceptable” to institutions to share their work.

Experimental Blog: JISC09 Last Post Open Learning Resources

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Posterous Links!

Image via CrunchBaseNow this might be useful. Create the e-mail, post to posterous andthen have it forwarded to all my sites. That could be worth using. Posted via email from tonygurney’s posterous Related articles by Zemanta Using Zemanta with Po…


Image via CrunchBase

Now this might be useful. Create the e-mail, post to posterous and
then have it forwarded to all my sites. That could be worth using. Related articles by Zemanta


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Blocking websites: your company vs. the great internet censors of the world | Open (minds, finds, conversations)…

Check out this website I found at antonymayfield.com Probably good to remember that, no matter how restrictive your institution’s setup is, you’re probably doing better than these people. Posted via web from tonygurney’s posterous

Check out this website I found at antonymayfield.com

Probably good to remember that, no matter how restrictive your institution’s setup is, you’re probably doing better than these people.

Blocking websites: your company vs. the great internet censors of the world | Open (minds, finds, conversations)…

Check out this website I found at antonymayfield.com Probably good to remember that, no matter how restrictive your institution’s setup is, you’re probably doing better than these people.

Check out this website I found at antonymayfield.com

Probably good to remember that, no matter how restrictive your institution’s setup is, you’re probably doing better than these people.

Free, as in speech

Image via WikipediaThe Online College has a great post on free or open source tools particularly applicable to students.From image editors to IDEs and to-do lists to web browsers you’ll find something of interest here.69 Free or Open Source Tools …

Image via Wikipedia

The Online College has a great post on free or open source tools particularly applicable to students.

From image editors to IDEs and to-do lists to web browsers you’ll find something of interest here.

69 Free or Open Source Tools For Students | Online College

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