Windows Azure for Research on LinkedIn & Twitter – MSDN UK Team blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs

English: Cloud Computing Image
English: Cloud Computing Image (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Announcing the  Windows Azure for Research LinkedIn discussion group!

The group will serve as an opportunity to connect and engage with researchers and domain experts to drive awareness of Microsoft Research and Windows Azure for Research. We’d like for you to be part of the community and discussions.

What is the  Windows Azure for Research initiative?

This is a program designed to help the research community use cloud computing to handle the challenges of data-intensive science. The culmination of more than three years of experimentation with using Windows Azure for scientific research, the Windows Azure for Research Initiative will help scientists accelerate the speed and dissemination of scientific discoveries.

via Windows Azure for Research on LinkedIn & Twitter – MSDN UK Team blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs.

Free ebook supplement: Microsoft System Center DPM VMware Private Cloud Protection – @MicrosoftPress blog

English: M in blue square (similar to seen on )
English: M in blue square (similar to seen on ) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager has a new feature that provides protection for Virtual Machines running on the VMware platform. Learn about this feature in the following supplemental chapter for the free ebook Microsoft System Center Data Protection for the Hybrid Cloud. Download the ebook here.

Source: Free ebook supplement: Microsoft System Center DPM VMware Private Cloud Protection – Microsoft Press blog

Free Ebook: Hybrid Cloud Management with System Center 2012 R2 App Controller – – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

This month, Yung Chou, Mitch Tulloch and I have published a new book on Hybrid Cloud Management with System Center 2012 R2 App Controller, titled Microsoft System Center: Cloud Management with App Controller. As part of a series of specialized guides on System Center, this book focuses on using App Controller to manage virtual machines and services across private and public clouds.

via Free Ebook: Hybrid

English: Diagram showing three main types of c...
English: Diagram showing three main types of cloud computing (public/external, hybrid, private/internal) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cloud Management with System Center 2012 R2 App Controller – – Site Home – TechNet Blogs.

Imagine Academy: Certification – Microsoft Education

English: Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
English: Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Microsoft Imagine Academy program prepares educators and students for industry-recognized certifications. Technology is everywhere. There is a need to provide appropriate business software and technology skills necessary in everyday life, whether it is basic computer skills or advanced technical skills. Almost every job today requires some form of technology skills.

Source: Imagine Academy: Certification – Microsoft Education

Using Windows 8 to build Windows 8 apps #yam

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Microsoft Project Siena is a Windows 8 app which allows you to develop more Windows 8 apps, no programming skills required.

The process starts by placing, moving and resizing assorted objects on your page: images, videos, buttons, lists, checkboxes, whatever they might be.

You can link your visuals to data sources: RSS feeds, an Excel file, Sharepoint, Azure services and more.

Next comes the tricky task of making sure the app works as you expect. And this isn\’t particularly easy, at all. You don\’t need programming knowledge, but there are lots of options and settings you\’ll need to learn in order to get everything working properly as well as entering Excel code for more complex logic.

Once it\’s all done then you can use the app yourself, or share it with others. See the details below for more information

via Using Windows 8 to build Windows 8 apps – Microsoft UK Faculty Connection – Site Home – MSDN Blogs.

How Google Is Changing Your Memory #yam

Embed from Getty Images

Memorization sometimes gets a bad rap in the education world. Yes, education IS way more than just memorizing facts, dates, formulas, spellings, and pronunciations. But you do have to get information into the brain somehow, right? Technology has brought more information to our fingertips, but does it also make us forget things more easily? The handy infographic below takes a look at how Google and its tools have changed how we find and retain information. Pretty interesting stuff – and if you can’t remember it later to tell your colleagues about what you read, you can always refer back to this page!

via How Google Is Changing Your Memory – Edudemic.

Cloud-computing training for researchers marches on – Microsoft Research Connections Blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs #yam

English: Diagram showing overview of cloud com...
English: Diagram showing overview of cloud computing including Google, Salesforce, Amazon, Axios Systems, Microsoft, Yahoo & Zoho (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Last September, as part of our global Windows Azure for Research program, we announced our cloud training classes that we designed to show academics how Windows Azure can accelerate their research. Now that we’re almost a month into the new year, we would like to let you know what we have planned for 2014—including some new resources that you can use and share with your colleagues and contacts.

via Cloud-computing training for researchers marches on – Microsoft Research Connections Blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs.

Getting Started with Windows Azure and IaaS – TechNet UK – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...
Image via CrunchBase

Are you an active user of Windows Azure? Tried it and not convinced, or yet to give it a go? There are a whole range of resources available to help you get to grips with the Cloud and harness the power of Azure, and we have recently released a number of new free documents on top of whats already out there. More than that, we also have some free events planned to introduce the multitude of Azure services available and give you the chance to ask questions to Microsoft experts and partners. You can find a summary below, along with some great examples of how it all really works in practice.

via Getting Started with Windows Azure and IaaS – TechNet UK – Site Home – TechNet Blogs.