IBM Redbooks | Real-time Fraud Detection Analytics on IBM System z

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Image via CrunchBase

Payment fraud can be defined as an intentional deception or misrepresentation that is designed to result in an unauthorized benefit. Fraud schemes are becoming more complex and difficult to identify. It is estimated that industries lose nearly $1 trillion USD annually because of fraud. The ideal solution is where you avoid making fraudulent payments without slowing down legitimate payments. This solution requires that you adopt a comprehensive fraud business architecture that applies predictive analytics.

This IBM® Redbooks® publication begins with the business process flows of several industries, such as banking, property/casualty insurance, and tax revenue, where payment fraud is a significant problem. This book then shows how to incorporate technological advancements that help you move from a post-payment to pre-payment fraud detection architecture. Subsequent chapters describe a solution that is specific to the banking industry that can be easily extrapolated to other industries. This book describes the benefits of doing fraud detection on IBM System z®.

This book is intended for financial decisionmakers, consultants, and architects, in addition to IT administrators.

via IBM Redbooks | Real-time Fraud Detection Analytics on IBM System z.

JISC Get On Board Open Learning Bandwagon

Good to see that JISC have thrown their weight into getting open source learning into the virtual marketplace.With any luck this will be the push required to make it “acceptable” to institutions to share their work.Experimental Blog: JISC09 Last P…

Good to see that JISC have thrown their weight into getting open source learning into the virtual marketplace.

With any luck this will be the push required to make it “acceptable” to institutions to share their work.

Experimental Blog: JISC09 Last Post Open Learning Resources

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Free, as in speech

Image via WikipediaThe Online College has a great post on free or open source tools particularly applicable to students.From image editors to IDEs and to-do lists to web browsers you’ll find something of interest here.69 Free or Open Source Tools …

Image via Wikipedia

The Online College has a great post on free or open source tools particularly applicable to students.

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Add it to your feed reader today.

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Open Source Image Programming

Image via WikipediaProcessing isan open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is used by students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists for learning, prototypin…


Image via Wikipedia

Processing is

an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is used by students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists for
learning, prototyping, and production. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook and professional production tool.

For anyone looking to teach programming images it looks a good bet.

Processing 1.0

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Image by via CrunchBase

Microsoft have released a new version of basic designed for children and novices called SmallBasic. It has only fifteen keywords to learn to allow newbies to get up and running quickly. The web site says that

Small Basic is a simple and easy programming language with a friendly environment that provides a cool and fun way of learning programming. From making turtles animations to running a slide show on the desktop, Small Basic makes programming natural and effortless.

Might be a good way of introducing programming to your classes.

Featured Windows Download: Small Basic Teaches Programming Fundamentals

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