OneNote for Education

Image via Wikipedia Microsoft Education Product Center: Microsoft Office OneNote 2007I’ve never really got in to OneNote, Microsoft’s free format note taking software. It looks fun but I’ve just not had time to really put it through its paces.The …

Image via Wikipedia

Microsoft Education Product Center: Microsoft Office OneNote 2007

I’ve never really got in to OneNote, Microsoft’s free format note taking software. It looks fun but I’ve just not had time to really put it through its paces.

The new site from Microsoft might change that with its Teacher Toolkit containing templates and articles.

Try it and let me know how it goes in the comments. You might even convert me.


One thought on “OneNote for Education”

  1. Tony – We have teachers and administrators going crazy for OneNote over here. Administrators were given a day and a half of training and many are in the process of converting staff handbooks from three ring binders to OneNote Notebooks. <br/><br/>Teachers have seen an incredible opportunity to employ OneNote with their students, although we are still very early in our integration of OneNote so watch out for more really cool uses from Teachers and Students.

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