Being a Gifted Speaker Isn???t a Gift

Image via Wikipedia Change This is always a good place to go for giving your brain a kick start. The various manifestos available may not always be correct (or even good), but they are always thought-provoking. This one for example by Frances Cole…


Image via Wikipedia

Change This is always a good place to go for giving your brain a kick start. The various manifestos available may not always be correct (or even good), but they are always thought-provoking. This one for example by Frances Cole Jones reminds us that public speaking isn’t an inate gift but something that can be worked on. As the site says:

Despite a pervasive idea that some people areborn with a ‘gift’ for public speaking—and that this gift is the reasonthey excel when presenting themselves—my experience has proven this isn’t so. I believe that everyone can be a great speaker, and this includes you.

See if you agree.

ChangeThis :: Being a Gifted Speaker Isn’t a Gift

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Pecha Kucha

Image via Wikipedia Pecha Kucha: Get to the PowerPoint in 20 Slides Then Sit the Hell DownLike all of you I have sat through my share of interminable PowerPoint presentations wishing, in the words of the late, great Douglas Adams, that the present…


Image via Wikipedia

Pecha Kucha: Get to the PowerPoint in 20 Slides Then Sit the Hell Down

Like all of you I have sat through my share of interminable PowerPoint presentations wishing, in the words of the late, great Douglas Adams, that the presenter‘s “own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save life and civilization” would leap “straight up through his neck and throttle his brain”.

That has never happened.

Instead, perhaps we could make sure that presentations follow the rules of Pecha Kucha. These are:

  • You have exactly twenty slides
  • Each slide is displayed for exactly twenty seconds
  • One they’re done you sit down

Be honest, wouldn’t you just love presenters to have done enough ground work to follow those rules instead of rattling on about nothing, nothing, at all? I think I’ll try it for my next presentation.

The revolution starts here…

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