3 Reasons Why We Have Interactive E-Learning | The Rapid E-Learning Blog

Information Graphic showing the steps of Rapid...
Information Graphic showing the steps of Rapid E-Learning development process (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The most obvious reason why people interact with the elearning course is to navigate from one point to the next. The “next” button is the most common form of interaction. We click it to navigate from one screen to another.

Of course, there are all sorts of others ways to navigate content. It could be an onscreen button, like a gate screen that we click to advance. Or perhaps it’s something like … a slider instead of next buttons to navigate from one screen to the next.

via 3 Reasons Why We Have Interactive E-Learning | The Rapid E-Learning Blog.

80 Free Stock Images – E-Learning Heroes #yam

English: Bar graph of U.S. viewers of Heroes
Generic stock image in case anyone was confused. English: Bar graph of U.S. viewers of Heroes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is a curated group of images via the StartUp Stock Photo site. They are licensed under the public domain license and free to share and use for commercial work.

via 80 Free Stock Images – Downloads – E-Learning Heroes.