80 Free Stock Images – E-Learning Heroes #yam

English: Bar graph of U.S. viewers of Heroes
Generic stock image in case anyone was confused. English: Bar graph of U.S. viewers of Heroes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is a curated group of images via the StartUp Stock Photo site. They are licensed under the public domain license and free to share and use for commercial work.

via 80 Free Stock Images – Downloads – E-Learning Heroes.

Websphereusergroup.org | New Complimentary IBM WebSphere Education Courses Available from the Global WebSphere Community

Image representing IBM as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase

You asked, and we listened.  Last year, we polled our Global WebSphere Community members asking you what WebSphere topics you were most interested in having additional training information on from the GWC.  The results came back showing a strong interest in WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ. The Global WebSphere Community is pleased to announce the availability of the following complimentary IBM WebSphere Education courses available to our GWC members:

via Websphereusergroup.org | New Complimentary IBM WebSphere Education Courses Available from the Global WebSphere Community.

Did Ye Ken?

Following on from my previous post on the, classic, Shift Happens video Joe Wilson blogged about a Scottish themed version developed by various HMIe staff (and others!). Definitely worth a look. Did Ye KenView SlideShare presentation or Upload you…

Following on from my previous post on the, classic, Shift Happens video Joe Wilson blogged about a Scottish themed version developed by various HMIe staff (and others!). Definitely worth a look.
