The Open Model of Education

Image by Josie Fraser via FlickrOne of the most promising approaches to increasing attainment is the open model of education. Practitioners are well aware of the requirement to make materials accessible in many more formats (Blackboard, Moodle, We…


Image by Josie Fraser via Flickr

One of the most promising approaches to increasing attainment is the open model of education. Practitioners are well aware of the requirement to make materials accessible in many more formats (Blackboard, Moodle, WebCT, SCORM) than the traditional words on paper.

This new model opens up the possibility of learning anywhere and everywhere. For example, some of my own students access on-line materials via the web browser on the phone whilst commuting to and from work. This very openness is a major factor in their enjoyment and subsequent success in the course.

How do you make your learning open?

Education Innovation: The Open Model of Education

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Flash Based eLearning


Image via Wikipedia

Flash is a tremendous tool but not even its best friends would describe it as user-friendly. That’s a shame as some of its features are perfect for eLearning purposes.

To address this Adobe have posted some easy instructions for creating Flash based quizzes that are even SCORM compliant.

This works really well and the quizzes can be slightly more student friendly (or flashy if you’ll excuse the pun) than some other tools produce.

Flash Based eLearning from Adobe
