Didn’t This Used to be Investigated by the Justice Department?

Image via WikipediaOK Here’s the scam.Invent an operating system that’s full of vulnerabilities Create some software that plugs the holes (let’s call it OneCare, for example) Sell it Find that no-one buys it because others sell similar software ex…


Image via Wikipedia

OK Here’s the scam.

  1. Invent an operating system that’s full of vulnerabilities
  2. Create some software that plugs the holes (let’s call it OneCare, for example)
  3. Sell it
  4. Find that no-one buys it because others sell similar software except cheaper and better
  5. Make your software free
  6. Drive all the other manufacturers out of the game
  7. Sell your software at a new, higher, price

Microsoft are at point five on the list. Six and seven are sure to follow soon.

In the meantime take advantage of their “generosity” to make your Windows machine safe to use.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Microsoft to offer free security

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Virtual Machines

Image via CrunchBaseWhen teaching it’s important to ensure that your machines are as bullet-proof as possible. The number of times I’ve had an operating system lesson ended early when the student has zapped their system are too numerous too count….


Image via CrunchBase

When teaching it’s important to ensure that your machines are as bullet-proof as possible. The number of times I’ve had an operating system lesson ended early when the student has zapped their system are too numerous too count.

The obvious solution is to use a virtual machine such as VMWare, Parallels or Virtual PC. One of my favourites (and free, that may not be a coincidence) is VirtualBox.

As an Open Source product it’s free to use but, with Sun as its backer, it has the clout to match up to commercial releases.

Check it out here:


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