Second Life + Moodle = Sloodle!

Image by VRider goes Web3D via Flickr Mari Cruz Garc??a who is a Learning Technologist at Carnegie College has created a course explaining how to use virtual worlds in education. She says: The course I have created is very humble, but I thought tha…


Image by VRider goes Web3D via Flickr

Mari Cruz García who is a Learning Technologist at Carnegie College has created a course explaining how to use virtual worlds in education. She says:

The course I have created is very humble, but I thought that it could be useful for beginners as it illustrates what you can do in Sloodle with very limited budget. The course includes free Linden scripts and objects, as well as a backup copy of the Moodle course. The only object which I couldn’t display is the Presenter, until the IT Department can review the firewall settings that are currently blocking it.

I say: she’s being modest and you should check this out at: (self-registration)
Password: tortilla.

The course is also available via SMUG (the Scottish Moodle User Group) at:

Access in Second Life is at: and click on the “Registration both” object.

Thanks Mari.

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JISC Get On Board Open Learning Bandwagon

Good to see that JISC have thrown their weight into getting open source learning into the virtual marketplace.With any luck this will be the push required to make it “acceptable” to institutions to share their work.Experimental Blog: JISC09 Last P…

Good to see that JISC have thrown their weight into getting open source learning into the virtual marketplace.

With any luck this will be the push required to make it “acceptable” to institutions to share their work.

Experimental Blog: JISC09 Last Post Open Learning Resources

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