You Don’t Need Complex Charts to Tell Powerful Stories | Blog

whatyoutweet (Photo credit: Kim Tairi)

One common misconception about creating infographics is that more is better. The more data, the better! The more eye-popping design, the better! Make those charts as complex as can be, turn that bar chart into a circle to make it more interesting… or just come up with a whole new type of chart that no one understands.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If your data tells a good story, sometimes all you need is a simple chart – one single chart – to tell it. No need to add more facts and figures, simply to expand on the argument — or to garnish everything with flashy images and eye-popping illustrations.

via You Don’t Need Complex Charts to Tell Powerful Stories | Blog.

What Skills Do Employers Want from Candidates? [INFOGRAPHIC] #yam

skills-16 (Photo credit: Vancouver Island University)

Do you have the skills that would make employers want you? This infographic (from Youtern) shows what the employers want, and what the candidates need to get.


Strategic perspective is the most valued skill by an employer.

Many hiring managers believe skills can be learned.

70% of hiring staff rate interview skills as necessary for success.

via What Skills Do Employers Want from Candidates? [INFOGRAPHIC].