RSS to eMail Tool

Image via WikipediaI read blogs using a feedreader. (Bloglines is still my preference despite Google Reader continually attempting to woo me over.) For many people, though, feeds, RSS and Atom are dark arts best left to geeks and techno-freaks.Tha…


Image via Wikipedia

I read blogs using a feedreader. (Bloglines is still my preference despite Google Reader continually attempting to woo me over.) For many people, though, feeds, RSS and Atom are dark arts best left to geeks and techno-freaks.

That’s a shame as there’s lots of good information out there (step forward Bobby Elliot’s SQA Computing blog) and if you don’t subscribe to it you may miss out. addresses this problem by taking RSS feeds and converting them to e-mail so that even the techno-luddites can receive automatic updates.

Can I suggest you try it using, for example, this blog?

Feed My Inbox ~ RSS to Email ~ Feed to Email

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