On Being a Data Skeptic – O’Reilly Media

Tim O'Reilly 2005 Where 2.0 Conference1
Tim O’Reilly 2005 Where 2.0 Conference1 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Data is here, it’s growing, and it’s powerful.”

Author Cathy O’Neil argues that the right approach to data is skeptical, not cynical––it understands that, while powerful, data science tools often fail.

Data is nuanced, and “a really excellent skeptic puts the term ‘science’ into ‘data science.'” The big data revolution shouldn’t be dismissed as hype, but current data science tools and models shouldn’t be hailed as the end-all-be-all, either.

via On Being a Data Skeptic – O’Reilly Media.

Learning STEM Skills by Designing Video Games | Edutopia

US Navy 100727-N-4304M-001 A student at a scie...
US Navy 100727-N-4304M-001 A student at a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) summer camp at Ryken High School in Leonardtown, Md (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Texas 10-year-old Rhys uses Gamestar Mechanic to program and create worlds to play in, learning valuable skills in science, technology, engineering, and math along the way.

via Learning STEM Skills by Designing Video Games | Edutopia.