How to Stick with It When You’re Learning Something New On Your Own #yam

English: My Learning Ltd - Secondary Learning ...
English: My Learning Ltd – Secondary Learning Platform Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Most of us have a passion to learn something new—whether it’s advancing our skillset, picking up a new hobby, or just taking on an entire new learning experience—but unless you’re incredibly dedicated to it, learning something new is surprisingly hard to stick with. Here are a few ways to make your new habit stick.

We’ve talked about plenty of different resources for learning on your own. The problem isn’t that the data and classes aren’t out there and freely available, it’s coming up with the dedication and structure when you don’t have a bill from a college hanging over your head. A recent Open Culture survey shows a number of the most common reasons people don’t complete online courses, ranging from the time required to complete a class to simple old learning fatigue. Most of these problems are easy to deal with.

While you might show an interest in something that doesn’t mean you’ll always stick to it. So, I spoke with Kio Stark, author of the recently released book, Don’t Go Back to School the book should be available on Amazon this week as well about how to come up with a self-education plan you’ll actually stick to.

via How to Stick with It When You’re Learning Something New On Your Own.

Dan Ariely’s MOOC, “A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior,” Starts Monday | Open Culture

Dan Ariely speaking at TED
Dan Ariely speaking at TED (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Back in November we gave you a heads up on A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior, a MOOC being created by Dan Ariely. If you’re a frequent visitor to our site, you know that Ariely is a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University, who has previously explained by why well-intentioned people lie, and why CEOs repeatedly get outsized bonuses that have no basis in rationality. Ariely’s six-week course finally begins tomorrow (Monday the 25th), so, before you miss the boat, reserve your free seat today.

A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior now appears on our  list of 300 Free MOOCs from Great Universities.

via Dan Ariely’s MOOC, “A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior,” Starts Monday | Open Culture.

Dan Ariely is one of the best scientists writing today. This would be a great course to sign up to.