Two professors of law, one in Edinburgh and the other in Glasgow, Cormac MacAmlaigh and Andrew Tompkins, have recently written in defence of Westminster against Holyrood. They say that the Scottish Parliament should deal only with matters devolved to it by Westminster. Anything else, including a referendum on independence, should, in their view, be handled by Westminster.
Do they really suppose that Westminster, in which Scottish members are outnumbered 10 to one, is a more appropriate body to deal with Scottish questions than Holyrood, in which the entire membership is elected in Scotland?
The REAL history of the Union between Scotland and England.
Two professors of law, one in Edinburgh and the other in Glasgow, Cormac MacAmlaigh and Andrew Tompkins, have recently written in defence of Westminster against Holyrood. They say that the Scottish Parliament should deal only with matters devolved…