Eight (or so) Easy 2.0 Pieces to Piece Together ~ Educational Wiki

Details last edit Jan 8, 2010 2:07 pm by tomkaun – 155 revisions Tags none edit Save Cancel Eight (or so) Easy 2.0 Pieces to Piece Togethervia newtoolsworkshop.wikispaces.com Excellent source for Web 2.0 educational resources.

Details last edit Jan 8, 2010 2:07 pm by tomkaun tomkaun155 revisions hide details
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Eight (or so) Easy 2.0 Pieces to Piece Together

Excellent source for Web 2.0 educational resources.

Commercial Break: First Apple iPad ad appears in US | BitterWallet

As seen in the United States of A during last night???s Oscars binge. Launch date across the pond confirmed as April 3rd. Does it make you want one then? Does it??via bitterwallet.com Yes. Yes it does.

As seen in the United States of A during last night???s Oscars binge. Launch date across the pond confirmed as April 3rd. Does it make you want one then? Does it??

Yes. Yes it does.