Sketchpad Is a No-Flash-Required HTML5 Painting App – #Lifehacker

Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Opera: Want proof that HTML5 is the way of the future? Try Sketchpad, a surprisingly robust online painting app that doesn’t require Flash, Shockwave, or any other plug-in???just a modern browser and your fingers. Run by a team…

Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Opera: Want proof that HTML5 is the way of the future? Try Sketchpad, a surprisingly robust online painting app that doesn’t require Flash, Shockwave, or any other plug-in???just a modern browser and your fingers.

Run by a team that dubs themselves Colorjack, this “Sketchpad” demo shows off the capabilities of modern JavaScript and HTML5 support. You can paint any color in any shade or opacity, take on patterns and “Spirographs,” and use all the tools you’re likely familiar with from Microsoft’s older versions of that old Paint standby.

Learn Basic Color Theory for Better Designs – #Lifehacker

Whether you’re putting together a portfolio web site or just slapping together some slides, knowing how colors affect the minds of your audience makes your message more appealing. Smashing magazine offers a post that serves as Color Psychology 101…

Whether you’re putting together a portfolio web site or just slapping together some slides, knowing how colors affect the minds of your audience makes your message more appealing. Smashing magazine offers a post that serves as Color Psychology 101 for would-be designers.

Sugar on a Stick brings sweet taste of Linux to classrooms – Ars Technica

Sugar Labs has announced the first official release of Sugar on a Stick, a Linux-based learning environment that can boot from a USB memory stick. The Sugar platform, which originally emerged from the One Laptop Per Child project, could soon arriv…

Sugar Labs has announced the first official release of Sugar on a Stick, a Linux-based learning environment that can boot from a USB memory stick. The Sugar platform, which originally emerged from the One Laptop Per Child project, could soon arrive in classrooms.

Sugar on a Stick brings sweet taste of Linux to classrooms – Ars Technica

Sugar Labs has announced the first official release of Sugar on a Stick, a Linux-based learning environment that can boot from a USB memory stick. The Sugar platform, which originally emerged from the One Laptop Per Child project, could soon arriv…

Sugar Labs has announced the first official release of Sugar on a Stick, a Linux-based learning environment that can boot from a USB memory stick. The Sugar platform, which originally emerged from the One Laptop Per Child project, could soon arrive in classrooms.

Dummy Image Generator Is the Lorem Ipsum of Images – Lifehacker

Lorem ipsum is a block of dummy text in Latin often used in design and publishing to fill space in a mockup. The brilliant Dummy Image Generator is like “lorem ipsum” for images. via Posted via web from tonygurney’s posterous

Lorem ipsum is a block of dummy text in Latin often used in design and publishing to fill space in a mockup. The brilliant Dummy Image Generator is like “lorem ipsum” for images.

Skip the Raise, Ask Your Boss for These Perks Instead – Negotiation – Lifehacker

If your company is already tightening its belt, it might not do much good asking for a raise during your next performance review. Instead, consider asking for other perks that might be almost as good as cash in your pocket. via Post…

If your company is already tightening its belt, it might not do much good asking for a raise during your next performance review. Instead, consider asking for other perks that might be almost as good as cash in your pocket.

Dummy Image Generator Is the Lorem Ipsum of Images – Lifehacker

Lorem ipsum is a block of dummy text in Latin often used in design and publishing to fill space in a mockup. The brilliant Dummy Image Generator is like “lorem ipsum” for images. via

Lorem ipsum is a block of dummy text in Latin often used in design and publishing to fill space in a mockup. The brilliant Dummy Image Generator is like “lorem ipsum” for images.

Skip the Raise, Ask Your Boss for These Perks Instead – Negotiation – Lifehacker

If your company is already tightening its belt, it might not do much good asking for a raise during your next performance review. Instead, consider asking for other perks that might be almost as good as cash in your pocket. via

If your company is already tightening its belt, it might not do much good asking for a raise during your next performance review. Instead, consider asking for other perks that might be almost as good as cash in your pocket.