Educators Share Tech Struggles: From Tablets To Twitter – Education –

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Should teachers use social media? What are the best practices for flipped classrooms? How are educators in other countries using computers and networks?

These were but a few of the 400 session topics at the 68th annual meeting of the ASCD this past weekend in Chicago, where technology‘s impact on teachers, students and institutions dominated much of the discussion. This year, the nonprofit’s three-day conference and exhibit drew more than 10,000 educators and administrators, as well as hundreds of vendors.

But technology isn’t a panacea, said ASCD speakers and attendees.

“We must think through how to help students use technology as a tool rather than having that tool rule our lives,” Freeman A. Hrabowski III, president of the University of Maryland, declared during his keynote in the first general session Saturday. Rather than focus on tech skills per se, Hrabowski said, “the key skill every student should have coming to college, other than reading, is the ability to ask good questions.”

via Educators Share Tech Struggles: From Tablets To Twitter – Education –.